Learn How to Leverage Social Media to Grow Your Business
In a world where more than 4.5 billion people are active on Social Media, your lucky ticket is right here as you have an opportunity to grow your business to its right potential. Whether it's Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any other social media platform, you have a lot of scope and exposure. Do you have a clue about its power? Because the ones who know are already busy in creating engaging content for their next social media feed. That’s a brutal statement but we are being really honest here because we want you to learn how to leverage social media to grow your business.
Here are some hacks of using various platforms in the right way so that your revenue graph goes upwards and beats your competitors every time. Unbelievable? These 10 simple social media marketing tips secures the top-notch position for you. Take a dekko!
10 Simple Social Media Marketing Tips
1. Choose Right Platforms
According to the latest statistics, Facebook is the most popular social media platform. Despite 2895 million users worldwide, Facebook doesn’t guarantee you leads or business growth. The rule is simple, platforms can give you exposure but not guarantee leads. It may have enough of an audience but not the ones that are looking out for the products you want to launch in the market. Like for example,
2. Set Your Target Audience
After choosing the right platform, you have to set your target audience. Knowing about engaged age groups and genders on various social media platforms proves essential in targeting the right audience. You can target the right people keeping factors like age, gender, status, area etc in mind. This will definitely generate right and easy leads for you which in a way will expand your client database.
3. Make Action Plans & Calendars
No matter how efficient you are, you always perform better if your agendas are clear and format is in place. Your social media team must know in advance what, when and where to post. Having your monthly calendars along with your action plan gives a definite direction to your team and also gives them time to ideate and brainstorm. Right time, right content, right audience are keys to grab maximum eyeballs on social media. That’s one marketing mantra that runs behind many successful campaigns.
4. Create Relatable & Engaging Content
After all the research and planning, here is the time when your Strategies are turned into action because seeing is believing. Content creation is a real mammoth task where many brains work behind the scenes. Creating an impressive content is one thing but creating a content that hits the right chord and insinuates the audience to engage is a different ball game. And that is why you find a hoard of well paid content creators in the market today who get you engagement on social media through their creative content. And trust me, it’s worth an investment.
5. Build Relationship & Trust
By now you have a huge audience who look at your posts and react to it. What next? Sustaining them, winning their loyalty, but how? I know you are willing to learn this secret trait. Well, apart from maintaining sound policies like return, COD, cancellation etc, you must make sure to add reviews by your happy clients. Mention their names in your stories and posts, tag them, build strong bonds. One, you make them feel special. Two, they also tag you back. Online marketing seems easy but people start believing in you only when they have honest testimonials to back your authenticity and product quality. These are some interactive tools that work wonders to build relationships and win the trust of your audience.
6. Study Market Trends & Hashtags
#love #photography #fashion; social Platforms keep setting trends every second day depending on latest news and market sentiments. Keeping tab on it is important as your social media posts garner that much needed attention by using these trending hashtags and posts. Lately, memes have gained popularity and its virality rate has outnumbered many creative posts. Using the right content with trending hashtags is one more secret behind impressive social media presence.
7. Be a Trendsetter & Blend Formats
Following trending post patterns and hashtags are the best ways of growing your social media presence but what’s even better is to be a trendsetter yourself. Easier said than done but it’s possible. Someone somewhere is setting trends for others to follow so why can’t you be a trendsetter. Think out of the box, something that excites your followers. Run contests, do giveaways, engage them, ask them to share videos, pictures, promote these posts and they will do the rest.
8. Stay Calm & Grow Organically
In all this maddening pressure of number of followers and fans, sometimes we fall into the trap of false tools that promise a quick increase in the number. These tools do work and we see a sudden increase in the number of followers but what damage it does is irreparable. Social media marketing is about engagement and not the numbers. Any good Digital Marketing plan ensures you get organic growth so that there is engagement on your platform which works for business growth. Crowd never serves the purpose, the voice does.
9. Micro Influencer Marketing
Recent survey on social media marketing states that products promoted by influencers display 75% higher conversion rate in comparison to conversion rate on ads. Now this must have opened your eyes wide. Ideally, you get original content by micro influencers that are very much in budget even for small businesses and get you good Conversions. What else do you want? Technically, this is why we see growth in endorsements not only by celebrities but also by these nano influencers who help in growing your business.
10. Use Right Tools & Performance Trackers
From getting social media plans, SEO Services to Newsletter marketing, with the right marketing tools you are sure to hit the bullseye. There are so many tools for engagement management, analytics report, scheduling, automation, editing, creating content, performance trekkers and so on that simplifies your business. All we need is to make the right choice and learn how to use them.
Hope these social media marketing tips help you reach your desired goals. In case you are looking for a reliable digital media agency to help you with complete media planning and social media services then you can reach out to Adomantra. With us as your digital partner, your growth and success is guaranteed!