What's New

Discover How Companies are Balancing Personalized Marketing with User Privacy Concerns

In the digital age, personalized marketing has become fundamental for businesses aiming for higher user engagement and ROIs (return on investments). It enables companies to connect with customers on a personal level and provides them with the data, messag

The Growing Popularity of Short-form Video Content

The short videos, not more than a minute long, are taking over the digital space like never before. Giants like Facebook, Instagram, and others are placing big bets on the small video front

Increasing Importance of Optimizing Content for Voice Search

Have you ever asked a question on Google and wondered how the search engine could respond quickly? With 4.2 billion voice assistants in use today, this number is expected to reach an astonishing 8.4 billion by the end of the year.

Keeping up with the Latest Updates on SEO and Algorithm Changes

With the latest algorithm updates in SEO happening about every minute, marketing teams are left trying to figure out how to tweak everything to stay within these constantly changing guidelines.
